Changes to K-12 Resources

When kids grow up, they look to their parents for help with their problems, but it takes a while for kids to realize that mom and dad were once kids just like they were. All of the problems that you have as a kid were solved 7 of your lifetimes ago by your parents, so they are your helper, but not like a peer. And to be clear, they should not be a peer. But the thing about the kids and the parents is that parents like to think that they know everything about what goes on during the formative years because they went through it, but the reality is that they forgot it years ago. Kids will realize that there are differences in the way that we live and the way that school is administered. Here are just a few resources of today that were not around.

Gun Drills

Some insane people would hope that this means learning to use guns, but this is really about what to do in the event that someone has a weapon inside of your school. After multiple school shootings, it is a reality, not a myth. Many parents these days like to moan about how terrible it is that kids are growing up in this environment. They are entitled to that worry, but this is just the same stuff that our parents did. My parents did nuclear bomb drills, so guns do not seem that dangerous. I did not grow up during the Parkland era, but I went to school where there was a reasonable fear of gun violence on a daily basis and we did drills to know how to act. It was lost on me how sad it was back then, but now, I can’t help thinking that this is just like what every generation goes through, but in a new package. We may have to go through these sad drills, but our kids will have their own drills to go through. I would rather do the drills and be prepared than not be prepared and an emergency strike.

Grade Sharing

Back in the day, the only way to know your grade was to wait until the report card came out. I remember even in my generation, we had some times where you would have to wait for an update to know your grade and that could take a week. These days, your mom can know your grades before you do. Both parent and student can log onto the grades portal to examine how they are doing overall and in individual classes. It is a gift for students, but a curse when your parents get in.


Straight up, YouTube has been a game changer for teachers. So many students are used to the TV rolling in on the cart, but you are limited to the terrible videos made 40 years ago. With little investment, you can run a cheaper version that has worked wonders for me so far. Free videos are both fun and, more importantly, free.


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