Studying Abroad and It's Benefits

Studying abroad is something that everyone should experience at some point in their life. It is truly magical and will bring the best out of you as a person. Travelling in general is something that all of us should go through because it shapes us into more accepting people. In fact, Malcolm X was incredibly anti white before he made his trip to Mecca. While there he realized that there were people of all different races who wanted the same thing as him. When he came back to the United States he realized that he was spewing a hateful message that was not doing any good for his cause.

Most xenophobia and racism is rooted in the fact that people have never left there bubble so they are essentially living in a cult. When this happens then their irrational fears take over and they are unable to accept anyone who does not think, look and act like them. This is problematic and one of the main reasons why I believe all students should study abroad. Not only does it make us more accepting as individuals but it also makes us more knowledgeable of the world that surrounds us.

There are so many different types of people and cultures on this planet that what you find normal might be incredibly grotesque to someone who lives hundreds of miles away from you. Understanding other cultures will give you a better sense of who you are and where you are going in life. Not only does studying abroad open our minds to other cultures but it also helps us learn other languages. Right now, the United States of America has some of the lowest rates of multilinguals in the developed world.

This is because all we speak is English in our country and we never really go out of our way to learn other languages. When you study abroad, you submerge yourself into another culture and you become more worldly. Those who know more than one language are scientifically proven to be more knowledgeable to their native speaking counterparts. So it behooves you to go out of your way to learn a new language. The more you know the more you can grow as a human being. Figure out what it takes to study abroad at your school so that you can take advantage of all of the opportunities that are around you.

In fact, many students who decide to study abroad end up working in the country at some point in their life. To live in a country that is not your own is a truly beautiful experience that not all of us can go through. But when you come out on the other side you will find yourself to be a more accepting and knowledgeable human being.

Your advisor will have all of the information that you need to take advantage of this opportunity. Make sure your grades are tight and that your head is screwed on tight so that you are able to travel across the big pond. There are cultural differences between states and cities within the United States, imagine what you will experience when you study abroad.


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