
Showing posts from October, 2019

Making a Great Marketing Executive

Companies have a lot of different departments that each have their own function. There are some people that are great at coming up with ideas, but they might not be great with consumers. When you are working with objects, you want someone that is good with people to balance you out. The people that are good at taking what has been built and getting it out there to consumers are marketers and they have one of the most important roles in the whole organization. As I learned it in business school, the simple function of marketing is matching product function to consumers’ needs efficiently. After the product is formulated, the marketer takes all of the things that are special about it and finds people who want and need those attributes. After you work with a smart marketer, you can blow your business up to incredible levels. In looking for a marketing executive, here are a few things that you should look for. Uniqueness I think that a lot of people give puns a bad rap for no good rea...

How To Get The Most Out Of Your College Experience

Going to college is an experience that is going to bring both the best and worst out of you as a student or a person in general. You are going to be challenged in ways that you have never gone through in your life, so it is important that you prepare yourself for the whirlwind that is surely coming your way. When you come out on the other side you will be more than happy with the person that you have become because of the work that you have put in. However, there are more individuals on this planet who do not have a college degree than those who do have one. So to make sure you are in possession of that coveted piece of paper we have come up with a list of things to ensure that you are prepared to weather the storm. Find Your Balance When you first arrive at college you are going to find two distinct types of people off the bat. One of them is going to spend all of their time in the classroom and library trying to get their grades right. The other is going to spend none of their t...

Studying Abroad and It's Benefits

Studying abroad is something that everyone should experience at some point in their life. It is truly magical and will bring the best out of you as a person. Travelling in general is something that all of us should go through because it shapes us into more accepting people. In fact, Malcolm X was incredibly anti white before he made his trip to Mecca. While there he realized that there were people of all different races who wanted the same thing as him. When he came back to the United States he realized that he was spewing a hateful message that was not doing any good for his cause. Most xenophobia and racism is rooted in the fact that people have never left there bubble so they are essentially living in a cult. When this happens then their irrational fears take over and they are unable to accept anyone who does not think, look and act like them. This is problematic and one of the main reasons why I believe all students should study abroad. Not only does it make us more accepting as...

Changes to K-12 Resources

When kids grow up, they look to their parents for help with their problems, but it takes a while for kids to realize that mom and dad were once kids just like they were. All of the problems that you have as a kid were solved 7 of your lifetimes ago by your parents, so they are your helper, but not like a peer. And to be clear, they should not be a peer. But the thing about the kids and the parents is that parents like to think that they know everything about what goes on during the formative years because they went through it, but the reality is that they forgot it years ago. Kids will realize that there are differences in the way that we live and the way that school is administered. Here are just a few resources of today that were not around. Gun Drills Some insane people would hope that this means learning to use guns, but this is really about what to do in the event that someone has a weapon inside of your school. After multiple school shootings, it is a reality, not a myth. Ma...